컬럼비아대학교 건축대학원 석사, 2013, 뉴욕, 미국
서울대학교 건축학과 건축학전공 학사, 2011, 서울, 한국

— 서울, 한국
SNU Heritage Libary 조성 설계공모, 수장고, 아카이브, 문화시설, 2561㎡, 서울, 2024
동물복지지원센터 강동 설계공모, 제2종근린생활시설, 1318㎡, 서울, 2024
개봉1동 어울림복합플랫폼 설계공모, 2등 입상, 청소년수련시설, 1242㎡, 서울, 2024
서울대학교 중앙도서관 본관 1,2층 공간 리모델링 설계공모, 3등 입상, 교육연구시설, 3711㎡, 서울, 2024
인수봉숲길마을 주민공동이용시설 건립 설계공모, 제1종근린생활시설, 365㎡, 서울, 2024
구덕민속예술관 건립 설계공모, 문화 및 집회시설, 1950㎡, 부산, 2024
중동고 교무실 재구조화 인테리어 공사, 교육연구시설, 941㎡, 서울, 2023
홍은동 단독주택 리모델링, 단독주택, 97㎡, 서울, 2023
문경시 가은농공단지 복합문화센터 건립사업 공모, 기숙사, 제1종근린생활시설, 1395㎡, 문경, 2023
남해군 로컬푸드 복합문화센터 조성사업 공모, 제1종근린생활시설, 496㎡, 남해, 2023
송정동 근린생활시설 리모델링, 제1종근린생활시설, 188㎡, 서울, 2022
문래초등학교 영어교실 및 일반교실 인테리어, 교육연구시설, 158㎡, 서울, 2022

SoA / Society of Architecture — 서울, 한국
누디트 익선, 제2종근린생활시설, 820㎡, 서울, 2020
시흥동 내과의원, 근린생활시설, 718㎡, 서울, 2020
광역소공인특화지원센터, 공장, 업무시설, 제1종근린생활시설, 2711㎡, 서울, 2019–2020
내포-해미 세계청년문화센터, 청소년수련시설, 공모 당선, 3720㎡, 서산, 2018–2019
남가좌동 주택, 단독주택, 128㎡, 서울, 2018
2020 두바이 엑스포 카자흐스탄 파빌리온, 128㎡, 두바이, 아랍에미리트, 2018
BKID 사옥, 제1종근린생활시설, 문화 및 집회시설, 380㎡, 서울, 2018–2019

FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise — 뉴욕, 미국
Arquimedes 7, Residential, 21000㎡, Mexico City, Mexico, 2016–2017
Mexic-Arte Museum, Cultural, 4600㎡, Austin, USA, 2015
Atomic energy pavilion competition, Cultural, 23251㎡, Moscow, Russia, 2015
St. Petersburg Pier competition, Urban, 43013㎡, St. Petersburg, USA, 2014
537 Greenwich st., Residential, 22600㎡, New York, USA, 2014
LAAM, Mixed-use, 45415㎡, Miami, USA, 2014
Energy Museum competition, Cultural, 42180㎡, Mexico City, Mexico, 2014
Graphic design for the client book and the office website

MODU — 뉴욕, 미국
Pavilion for the Fifth China International Architectural Biennial Competition / Winner, Beijing, China, 2013
Duggal Pavilion in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, USA, 2013

Leong Leong — 뉴욕, 미국
Pavilion for the MoMA PS1 Warm-up, New York, USA, 2013

”빌딩롤모델즈—여성이 말하는 건축”, 프로파간다, 2018

홍익대학교 건축도시대학 실내건축설계스튜디오2 외래교수, 2022
서울건축문화제(SAF) 여름건축학교 멘토, 2019

개봉1동 어울림복합플랫폼 설계공모 2등 입상, 2024, 서울
서울대학교 중앙도서관 본관 1,2층 공간 리모델링 설계공모 3등 입상, 2024, 서울
Honor Award for Excellence in Design, 2013, 컬럼비아대학교 건축대학원, 뉴욕
5대학졸업설계합동강평회 심사위원특별상, 2011, 동경대학교, 도쿄
제29회 대한민국 건축대전 입선, 2010, 서울
서울대학교 건축학과 졸업전 최우수상, 2010, 서울

Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, 2013, Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation (GSAPP), New York, USA
Bachelor of Architecture, 2011, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Yuri Jeong Architects
— Seoul, Korea
Seoul National University Heritage Library, Archive, Cultural, 2561㎡, Seoul, 2024
Animal Care Center Gangdong competition, Animal care facility, 1318㎡, Seoul, 2024
Gaebong1-dong Youth Center competition, 2nd Prize, Youth center, 1242㎡, Seoul, 2024
Seoul National University Library Main Building Remodeling competition, 3rd Prize, Educational, 3711㎡, Seoul, 2024
Insubong Forest Village Community Center competition, Mixed-use, 365㎡, Seoul, 2024
Gudeok Folk Art Center competition, Cultural, 1950㎡, Busan, 2024
Joongdong High School Teachers’ Room Interior, Educational, 941㎡, Seoul, 2023
Hongeun-dong House, Residential, 97㎡, Seoul, 2023
Gaeun Agro-Industrial Complex Cultural Center competition, Mixed-use, 1395㎡, Mungyeong, 2023
Namhae Local Food Cultural Center competition, Cultural, Commercial, 496㎡, Namhae, 2023
Songjeong-dong Remodeling, Commercial, 188㎡, Seoul, 2022
Mullae Elementary School Classroom Interior, Educational, 158㎡, Seoul, 2022

SoA / Society of Architecture — Seoul, Korea
Noudit Ikseon, Commercial, Cultural, 820㎡, Seoul, 2020
Siheung-dong Cornerstone, Clinic, Commercial, 718㎡, Seoul, 2020
Metropolitan Small Manufacturers' Support Center, Factory, Office, 2711㎡, Seoul, 2019–2020
Naepo-Haemi World Youth Community Center(Competition, 1st Prize), Cultural, 3720㎡, Seosan, 2018–2019
Namgajwa-dong House, Residential, 128㎡, Seoul, 2018
2020 Dubai Expo Kazakhstan National Pavilion, 128㎡, Dubai, UAE, 2018
BKID HQ, Office, Cultural, 380㎡, Seoul, 2018–2019

FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise — New York, USA
Arquimedes 7, Residential, 21000㎡, Mexico City, Mexico, 2016–2017
Mexic-Arte Museum, Cultural, 4600㎡, Austin, USA, 2015
Atomic energy pavilion competition, Cultural, 23251㎡, Moscow, Russia, 2015
St. Petersburg Pier competition, Urban, 43013㎡, St. Petersburg, USA, 2014
537 Greenwich st., Residential, 22600㎡, New York, USA, 2014
LAAM, Mixed-use, 45415㎡, Miami, USA, 2014
Energy Museum competition, Cultural, 42180㎡, Mexico City, Mexico, 2014
Graphic design for the client book and the office website

MODU — New York, USA
Pavilion for the Fifth China International Architectural Biennial Competition / Winner, Beijing, China, 2013
Duggal Pavilion in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, USA, 2013

Leong Leong — New York, USA
Pavilion for the MoMA PS1 Warm-up, New York, USA, 2013

”Building Role Models—Architecture Spoken by Women”, Propaganda, 2018

Adjunct Professor, Hongik School of Architecture, Interior Architecture Studio 2, 2022
Mentor, Seoul Architecture Festival(SAF) Summer Architecture School, 2019

Gaebong1-dong Youth Center competition, 2nd Prize, 2024, Seoul, Korea
Seoul National University Library Main Building Remodeling competition, 3rd Prize, 2024, Seoul, Korea
Honor Award for Excellence in Design, 2013, Columbia University, GSAPP, New York, USA
Special Jury Prize at the Five Universities Diploma, 2011, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan
Selected for 29th Open Competition in the National Architectural Exhibition of Korea, 2010, Seoul, Korea
Honor Award for the Best in Architecture Design, 2010, Seoul National University Graduation Exhibition, Seoul, Korea